
Sometimes I get tired of the usual composition, of the trained way of seeing. Lately I tried to make photographs that not only depict nothing in particular, but also guide the attention of the viewer around, showing nothing.

The colors guide you in one direction, the focus in another one, and the composition a third. Its only value lies in the movement of the viewers eyes, in the choreography of the gaze.

Octopus hugging a tree

These things became annoyingly good at generating visually rich images. They are still bad at guiding attention, but perhaps that’s part of their beauty.

Places of belonging

Where do people go, when the whole world seems foreign? Where do they find places for themselves? A space to be and not just react.

I find it not easy to fotograph, since I’m aiming to create a portrait of the space, not of the person. More and more they begin to seem inseparable.

With big thanks to Laura and Vanny.